At Winrock we follow the laws of every country where we work. We also follow this Code of Conduct. Upholding Winrock’s Code of Conduct is a responsibility shared by all involved in contributing to project results, providing solutions, and delivering on Winrock’s mission. The Code is mandatory and applies to each employee, Board member, volunteer, intern and fellow, and consultant (also known as our “workforce”). 

In addition to the Code, we also have Operational Policies and Procedures, which are issued by operational groups (such as Finance, Human Resources or Operations) that apply to specific activities or roles. These Operational Policies and Procedures implement business practices to achieve consistent results and efficiencies, and to minimize legal risks. Compliance with the Operational Policies and Procedures also is a mandatory condition of employment.

Our Code and Operational Policies and Procedures are supported by our Core Values:






These Values reflect our shared beliefs and commitments to each other, our supporters and those we serve.

As noted by our CEO, Winrock is known as an organization that makes a difference in the lives of people around the world. Our success is based on operating with integrity in every location, on every project.  When you operate ethically you send a message to others that they can put their trust in us. By doing the right thing, you not only protect our reputation, but also help Winrock thrive in today’s complex and competitive environment.

Conduct or actions prohibited by this Code and the Operational Policies and Procedures is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting outside the workplace, such as during business trips, business meetings, and business-related social events.

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